Planning After A Spouse Has Qualified For Medicaid
One of the biggest mistakes many couples make is assuming that once a spouse is qualified for Medicaid, their planning is complete. This...
Safely Transferring A Parent's Home To A Child Using the Caregiver Exception
Every day, millions of adult children finish the work day and go to their second job, taking care of a parent at home. These children...
Using Irrevocable Trusts To Protect Family Assets
For many families, real estate is the most important asset to pass on to children. Whether it is for sentimental value, present economic...
Annuity Dangers
Under certain circumstances, annuities can be a great planning tool for financial advisers (and even estate planners, in some cases)....
Why Wills Matter For Young Couples
Why would a young couples with one or more children need a Will? Two reasons: protecting your spouse and protecting your children. In...
Planning For The Family Cottage
Many families in northwestern Pennsylvania own real estate that has sentimental value from years of family vacations or significant...
Veterans' Benefits For In-Home Care
Do you know a friend or family member in an assisted-living facility or who is receiving home-based care? Veterans' benefits...
Minimizing Probate Fees
Clients often ask how to ensure the efficient and cost-effective administration of their estates. While certain variables are out of your...
Considering Pets In Your Estate Planning
The question sounds a bit silly, but many of us profess love for our pets, and few do any planning for our four-legged friends....
Understanding "Probate"
The number of persons calling our office to inquire about the definition of “probate” is staggering, and represents a gap in our...