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ELDER LAW | What if a spouse or parent has entered (or will enter) a nursing home?

Quick Tips
Always contact an elder law attorney as soon as reasonably possible
Determine whether it is a skilled nursing home or assisted living
If skilled nursing home, has Medicare coverage been triggered
Make a rudimentary list of the resident's assets and income
Be calm: you and your spouse/parent are going to get through this
First Steps
Identify whether Will, Powers of Attorney are in place
Set an appointment to determine the parent's rights
"Elder Law" is a general term for the legal practice areas devoted to care for, or protection of, the elderly. Depending on the context, it may refer to estate planning or Medicaid planning, or another type of legal interest. In our practice, we view our elder law practice as encompassing the financial and physical protection of our area senior citizens.
Our primary concern is planning, which generally includes the preparation of Wills and Powers of Attorney, and at least a cursory Medicaid plan, if the client may require nursing home care in the near future. We also aid veterans and their families in securing benefits from the Veterans' Administration. We even help represent the elderly in situations where potential abuse may have occurred.